The government model allows the local community to directly contract with existing service providers, thereby managing the delivery of those services without the need to recreate or duplicate them. The new town would manage contracts with these existing service providers, ensuring residents receive the correct level of coverage.
Once complete, the full feasibility study will detail these items. It becomes part of the plan and proposal put forth to the state legislators and the local community for a vote. This plan is what the first locally elected town leaders use as the guide to set up initial intergovernmental contracts under the authority established in the town by the adopted town charter.
As a government-lite style, the plan is to contract law enforcement and fire protection to the county sheriff and fire department. These contractual agreements allow local leaders to adjust service levels for the community’s benefit and provide a more responsive mechanism to ensure adequate coverage.
Water, sewer, and garbage would continue to be handled by ECUA as they are today. State law restricts new municipalities from changing solid waste contracts for five years.