What if Perdido
were a town?

Local citizens join together to explore the idea.

Local Delegation Voted Unanimously

On October 26, 2023, Senator Broxson, Representative Andrade, and Representative Salzman, held an open forum at the Escambia County Delegation Meeting. During a structured debate format, the delegates listened to local citizens on both sides of the proposal for approximately forty minute, after which they discussed taking the Special Act to Tallahassee. They ultimately voted, unanimously, to proceed with the process, all stating that they trust the voters and they trust the process. The next step in that process is a continued review of the feasibility report in local subcommittee, an update of all budget projections using FY 2024 data, followed by more committees prior to arriving on the House floor for a vote in the January/February 2024 legislative session. If it passes in both the House, Senate, and the Governor’s desk, citizens of Perdido would for the very first time in history have the opportunity to vote on becoming a town.

Why form a town?

As stated in the feasibility report, local citizens identified these five primary reasons for forming the Town of Perdido:

What's Up?

Aug 27

Report Published

BJM Consulting’s full report is published. You can find it here on our site. We Are Perdido plans to submitted this to the state for review on September 1st, along with other required materials and supporting info.

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We Are Perdido

Local citizens are joining together to explore the idea of becoming a town.

By incorporating our area as a municipality, we can directly address the local issues we face, make decisions ourselves, and return a more significant share of tax dollars to our local community. We can reduce the overall burden on our county by taking control of our own destiny. Citizens can have a local voice in their own city government. Together, we can improve the quality of life for us and our neighbors in the surrounding unincorporated county.


How do you form a town?

It all starts right here, with our citizens, community workgroups and local support. Florida's Home Rule powers allow local Florida communities to unite and form municipalities (cities, towns, and villages).


Together we explore how  a new municipality is formed. And we discover the benefits for our community.


Working with a research firm, we develop a Feasiblity Study and proposed 5-Year Budget to show how it can work.


Through community workgroups and advocacy, we can teach those around us the process and its benefits.


We lead to empower our community, giving our own citizens the opportunity to vote on municipal incorporation.

Perdido is thriving

As a citizen of the Perdido area, you are part of a strong, thriving community. Representing just 7% of our county’s population, our area holds 16% of the taxable real estate value.  Over the last 10 years, we’ve contributed nearly HALF A BILLION dollars to our county.

0 K
0 K
Registered Voters
$ 0 M
2023 One-Mill Value
$ 0 M+
For Escambia in 2022
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