Community Questions
- Why are Coral Creek and Roscoe Field areas being included?
- What would the impact be on residents and businesses?
- Would the new town be eligible for state-shared revenues?
- Does all current tax revenue remain with the county?
- Would the new town, as proposed, collect utility taxes?
- Would a new municipality collect franchise fees and communications service tax?
- Would a new municipality have a Public Service Tax or “Utility Tax”?
- Can a municipality increase the assessed property tax values of its residents?
- Would becoming a town affect homestead, disabled veteran, and widow/widower exemptions?
- How might homeowners be affected?
- What municipal services and benefits can the government-lite model provide Perdido?
- What are some of the issues we expect to resolve through municipal incorporation?
- How much would incorporation cost local taxpayers?
- How many employees does a typical government-lite municipality require?
- Who determines Perdido’s “fair share” of taxes?
- How can we return a more significant share of our tax dollars to our local community?
- Can municipalities collect sales and gas taxes?
- How can the government lite model keep our taxes low?
- How does the Perdido community compare to other towns our size in Florida?
- Would our current MSTU taxes go away?