Locally elected town leaders would oversee the government-lite municipality, a responsive, agile local administration that manages all service contracts. If services are lacking in an area, leaders can more quickly address the need. If the provider fails to deliver the service as contracted, the local government has the voice and means to rectify the situation expeditiously.
Elected town leaders would all be local citizens. They would be neighbors in the Perdido community, receive the same service delivery, drive on the same roads over the same potholes, and have an experiential understanding of the needs and concerns affecting the residents on a day-to-day basis. Local leaders would better understand the needs and be positioned to address them.
Locally elected town leadership would solely focus on the needs of the local community of Perdido rather than the needs of a 320,000-person-strong county. Local issues remain the focus and are prioritized until resolved, without distraction.